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Old Diary Entries


Arrow Brand King


I went to Shinjuku today on business.
As I parked my car at a parking lot and waited for the elevator, I suddenly saw the 'Brand King' coming down from a lift!
This person is the president of a select store that sells the brand called 'Royal'. He's often shown on TV.
He has a rather impressive regent-cut hairstyle.
For me, this man is just as impressive as the president of 'Japanet Takata' [1], and I'm really fascinated by both.
I was so happy... I hope I can meet the president of 'Takata' one day, too.

[1] 'Japanet Takata' is another commercial establishment; it sells electronics (cameras, computers, etc.).

Arrow Guest


I will be appearing as a guest on Hironobu Kageyama-san's radio program!
It will be my first appearance, one that I''m be sure to treasure.
The program is called 'Kageyama*Momoi no Baisoku Moe-chan Neru', and it will be airing on Radio Osaka on April 2 (Wed.) starting at 12:30 am.
On TBS Radio, it will be on April 5 (Sat.) starting at 1:30 am.
Please tune in!

Arrow First Day on JAM


I did my first performance as part of JAM, in "Anipara Ongakukan". (I'll announce the broadcast date soon)
My my... everyone's voices were so strong!!
I'm often told about my songs, "Your voice is strong!" or "Your voice is penetrating", but even so, when I'm with the JAM group, it's so nerve-wracking and their voices are so strong, I think I might sound like a meek child next to them...

The Anigemaster song has been recorded and the master track has also been made. You'll be able to hear it starting on the April 5th broadcast! Please check your schedule details.
One more thing, the cover of "Masami Kobushi" has been uploaded. Feel free to take a look, and also look at the in-store event schedule!

Arrow Tough Going...


it seems, recently.
It's true in many ways, isn't it.
I keep thinking, "Just keep living each day with all your might."

With the live concert over, I don't have much in the way of public events, so I've sunken into a strange mood. But starting in April, it's going to become very busy, and I'm starting to feel a little restless.
In any case, let's make the best of each day!

Arrow The Song for Anigemaster


is finished, and the lyrics Youko-chan, Otosasa-san, and I wrote are complete. The only thing left to do is record.
This song will definitely be used starting first thing in April as the opening theme to Anigemaster's broadcast!![1]
For those of you who can give it a listen, please do check it out.
m(_ _)m [2]

My activities as a member of JAM are slowly starting to gain pace.
With plans for Anipara Ongakukan and radio appearances in the works, please check here for the latest news.
Schedule and event news will be posted here in the diary and in the news section!

[1] Anigemaster is a radio program in Japan that broadcasts news about popular anime, games, music, etc.
[2] For those of you not familiar with Japanese emoticons, this signifies a humble bow.

Arrow No Release Date Yet, But...


Had a recording session today.
be-show[1] and I began recording in a big studio with a starting "Ready... go!".
It was so fun that it felt like another live concert.
As you all know, I'll be forming a unit with Chihii and working in JAM this year, but the release date for the song we recorded today hasn't been decided yet. I hope to some recording for okui,masami next, too.[2]

[1] be-show is the band that plays back-up for okui,masami. Click for pictures & info.
[2] Makkun means recording work for herself as an independent artist (that is, not in groups like JAM).

Arrow About "Masami Kobushi"...


and its special packaging.
There are many types of special packaging, and I've also had the pleasure of designing a few myself. But this time...!!!!!
The special packaging... is definitely special. Something I've never tried before.
I also haven't seen anything like it in CD shops or anything. Maybe someone somewhere has done something like it before, but this is the first time I've seen it.

Please look forward to it.

Just a while ago I remembered that I have to get my driving license renewed, and I started getting a little sad.

[1] "Mufufu" is a kind of mischievous, sly laugh.

Arrow Wrapping Up Masami Kobushi


Today, one day after my birthday, is the day for sound mastering of "Masami Kobushi". After that, all that needs to be done is CD printing.
I listened to the whole album starting from the first track (with a kind of nervous feeling?) and thought about the song order, but... when this CD reaches you all, please listen to it carefully for me!

By the way...
I received a lot of birthday presents from all of you. So it's my turn to say "Thank you".
Oh! Speaking of presents...
I'm in the middle of drawing something from a present I received at the live concert, of portraits. I keep wondering if I should try drawing realistically, or maybe make it cute?
Compared with the real person, which is better...? Well, I'll figure it out!
Oh yes, there was another present... of the 200 that came in, it had the best packaging... In it there was some merchandise and an alarm clock that played my voice. That, and colored paper for drawing or autographing or drawing + autographs. On the paper was some calligraphy(?) and lyrics from one of my songs that I really treasure. There were about 4 or 5 others that came in bags like that one, and the rest had colored wrapping paper. The wrapping paper was also very catchy in an elegant way! What color was your wrapping paper???
Decorate things in Saran wrap!... (or is that too out-dated?)

Arrow Happy Birthday to Me


I've gotten one year older again.
What am I planning on for this birthday? Let's see...
With the live concert over and "Masami Kobushi" [1] only needing to go to the presses... Though the phrase "Treat Yourself" is a cliched phrase said by office ladies and published in too many magazines, maybe it's time to go shopping...
But, I am not saying that I want this right now. But if I had to say it... It's time to buy a new car.
But, you know what? Cars are so extravagantly pricey, and besides, I don't want to give up my current Masami-maru (my beloved car).[2]
I guess I shouldn't buy things unless I really need them.

[1] "Masami Kobushi" is the title of Makkun's latest CD release due out in May. It means, "Masami Boost" or "Masami Encouragement".
[2]"-maru" is a common suffix given to names of boats, ships, and (in Makkun's case) cars.


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