graphic design
Modified CMYK The four colors used in printing are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. They are the pigment primary colors. For example, a color printer will use these four inks to create the full range of colors. I use a modified version of this in painting and drawing. Typically this means substituting a dark blue or magenta in lieu of black, to create a more colorful picture. acrylic paint I use acrylic since it dries quickly and is less toxic than oil paints. It's also inexpensive and easy to clean up. The colors used are: - white - lemon yellow hue - chromium red hue - alizarin crimson - brilliant blue - ultramarine blue colored pencil Colored pencil works great for smaller drawings and getting precise lines. The colors used are: - yellow - process red (magenta) - true blue (cyan) - dark blue / indigo |
graphic design