welcome to First Cultural Industries
art & illustration
The Housing Tarot Elmwood District, Berkeley: College and Ashby Elmwood District, Berkeley: College and Russell
200 Years of California Chinatowns Bay Area What Might Have Been: a visual history of what isn't there
Chinatown, San Francisco Abundant Housing, San Francisco Vertical Community Living Through the Pass San Francisco 2030 Tech Campus Housing Studies California Drought Information California Drought Information loth roof street california high speed rail map carlsbad california interstate 5 us high speed rail system column detail Free the UC Day poster Fairy Tale New Village metropolitan midnight socialist high rise BART Embarcadero beale street exit homage to tanukinao orange grove rosy future moon base san francisco Eugene Davis Berkeley Santa Cruz Santa Barbara
click here for more paintings
co-op research
It's a Co-op: a guide to co-op architecture
Davis Domes Design Charette
California Rail Map Northeast US Rail Map the skyscraper dollhouse
California Water Crisis Board Game The US High Speed Rail Board Game Permacities: open source online game of permaculture and urban design Bay Area Regional Planner: Can you solve the housing crisis? Geoengineering 101 North Berkeley, a community planning game
Imagine No Cars Save the Domes Rhena the House Makes New Friends Vegan Witchcraft How NOT to raise chickens: a guide for urban farmers C-Day: Carbon Rationing's First 24 Hours The Hanging Gardens of San Francisco Mission: 2063 - the future of the privatization of space California Space Academy Half Empty: The Food Crisis in America
bay area artists unite BAAU
member since 2006
since 2000, a. twu, berkeley, california, mail@firstcultural.com

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