
First of all, thanks for taking the time to visit this site. The most important information (whoami, contact) is on the homepage.

For everything else, since I'm interested in occupying as much of your time as possible (no wonder Americans are such busy people), and because there are no nasty flash applets or bloated JavaScript to hold you hostage on this page, you'll have to read on to get what you're looking for. In the 21st century that also means clicking on links, which there are a good enough number of. Good luck, and cheers to your most precious resource!

However, you might find this sitemap useful in your endeavors.


and you?

Who are you?

Well if you're reading this, and you have the intellectual capacity to comprehend these words (we don't need CAPTCHAs for comprehension yet, right?), you're probably worthy enough to drop me a line (contact info on homepage). Surprise, I like conversations more than rants!