
Photo Album
-Baby Pictures
-The Guys


-One Month
-King of the World
-I'm Too Cool

Here are the answers and a brief description:
This picture was taken shortly after I was born.  Let's see, I was born in Taipei, Taiwan on May 30, 1976. This picture was taken in June 1976... so I'm less than one month old!
You can't see the whole thing, but I'm on a tricycle.  I don't know for sure my exact age, but I should be between 2-3 years old.
Same with the previous picture.  It's a tough call to guess which picture is older, but since this my little game... I say this one's older.  Age 2-3.
Finally travelling around and seeing the world.  I don't know where this picture was taken in Taiwan.  It's too bad I haven't been back in over 10 years.  Age 3.
If you couldn't guess from this picture,  I was a precocious little kid.  I thought I could do anything and no one ever tried to stop me.  Ah, it's just one of the benefits of being the little boy everyone loves.  Age 3-4.
I definitely remember where this picture was taken.  It was in my uncle's optometry shop in Taipei.  I use to hang out there all of the time.  No, I didn't wear glasses at the time, nor did I have a moustache.  My uncle was just having a little fun drawing and putting stickers on my face. Age 3-4.
Oops, I think I've put on a few pounds.  Oh well, I guess all of us go through a chubby stage during out lifetimes.  Age 4-5.
There's a little gap between pictures.  This is a few years after we moved to the US from Taiwan.  I think this is probably in the 4th grade.  Age 9.
I've slimmed down a bit here.  This little picture was taken in the 8th grade.  Wow, notice the change in hairstyle!  Age 13.
This is me as a little freshmen at Colton High School!  Age 14.
This is me graduating from Colton High School.  Although you probably can't tell from the picture, I'm about a foot taller than when I first started high school.  Age 18.
Another change in hairstyle.  No hair!  This is what happens when you're naive enough to let your friend (Eileen) try to cut your hair.  I went with bald-look for about 6 months.  Age 19.
A senior at Cal.  This was from Hao's birthday the summer before senior year.  Apparently the guys were trying to decorate Hao with shaving cream, but he didn't oblige.  I became the innocent victim or their frustrations.  Age 21.
Erick the college graduate!  Picture taken December 26, 1998.  Age 22.