
Photo Album II
-Go to Index


-Unit One
-Unit Two
-Café Strada
-Wurster Hall
-Boalt School of Law
-Chemistry Dept.
-Faculty Club
-Faculty Glade
-Strawberry Creek

**Campenile Top
**Big "C"
**Memorial Stadium
**Golden Gate

-South Hall
-University Library
-Memorial Glade
-North Gate
-Bridge *****
-Barker Hall
-West Circle
-Eucalyptus Grove
-California Hall


Venturing onto campus for the first time, we begin our tour at the 
southeast corner of campus.   This scenic portion of the campus is
home to several departments, namely art, architecture, and law.
The tall building in the back of the picture is Wurster Hall, home
of the architects (who live in the studios housed within).

Please turn to the right.