


Hex is a 2 (or 4 divided into two teams) player abstract strategy game. It was invented by Danish mathematician Piet Hein, who introduced the game in 1942 at Niels Bohr Institute. It was also invented by mathematician John Nash in 1947 at Princeton University. In 1952, the game was marketed as Hex by the Parker Brothers.

The Board

Hex is played on a hexagonal grid of any size (i.e. 13x13, 14x14, 19x19, etc.), but the traditional board is a 11x11 rhombus grid. The shapes of the grid may also vary.

The Pieces

The game is played with red and blue stone pieces, with each player or team assigned a color.


To win: The goal of the game is to form a connected path of your stones linking two opposing sides of the board marked by your colors before your opponent connects their sides in a similar process. The player who completes the connection first wins.

Each player take turns placing one of their stone on a single cell within the overall playing board.



Alternate Names

hex hex hex


