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My name is Hannah Na. I am originally from Cerritos, CA. But, I currently attend the University of California at Berkeley. I'm a sophomore, planning to major in business administration and mass communications. My dream job is to become an editor of a fashion magazine, like Vogue or Cosmopolitan. But that might change, who knows..

On campus, I am involved in Fast and Student Trend, Fellowship in Christ at Berkeley, Korean Student Association and Undergraduate Mass Communications Association. My favorite part of campus is Faculty Glade, and I like sleeping or reading on Memorial Glade when it's sunny outside. One time, I fell asleep there for 3 hours. I really don't like the rain or cold weather.

In my spare time, I like to play golf and play with my dog (named Coconut). I also enjoy playing waterpolo, watching good movies (such as Gattaca), being outdoors, going to art museums, and eating at new restaurants. I wasn't very good with computers or programming, but IDS 110 has really taught me to appreciate websites and the Internet.
