
Are you ready for online dating? Take a QUIZ to find out!


Pre-screening: Power to Choose

Members have access to other members' profiles, and thus the member can choose who to contact or not. Also, being able to e-mail or even have a phone conversation with someone, before meeting with your him or her, can be helpful in deciding if that person is the suitable candidate for you. In this sense, having access to membe's information allows online daters to retain power. "When you meet them, you know that you want to further get to know them because you've got knowledge into their background already," says Martyn Sedlen. "To be able to email before meeting makes a very good grounding for a date. If you go on a blind date, then you are walking in blind and wouldn't have a chance" (Hanman, 2005).

Cybermalls: More Choices

More and more people are using online dating sites to build relationships. With more people available for online dating, your choice is endless. Most dating sites feature options that allow you to request everything from hair color and height to education and religions to eating habits and sleeping patterns. In a sense, these sites have created "cybermalls," where members can go to click their way to finding "the one" (Foston, 2005). Online dating enables people instant access to a large network of single people.

Online chemistry: Deeper Relationships

"Our whole focus is on putting people together, making compatible matches that have the possibility of the long term," says senior vice president Marylyn Warren. "If you want a date for Saturday night, we probably are just not the place to come" (Dotinga, 2005).

Most people today "don't feel comfortable socializing with superficial wannabe supermodels or randy football hooligans in pubs" (Walmsley, 2003). This shows how a large number of people are looking to pursue genuine relationships. People nowadays rate common interests above attractivness (Sachs, 2005). Online chemistry is different from real-life chemistry in that online chemistry allows people to get to know each other on a deeper level. Online dating sites put less importance on physical characteristics, but rely more on other factors. In this aspect, online dating is an ideal tool in finding your future husband or wife. Match.com research study showed that 88% of its subscribers are likely to be attracted to someone they meet through online dating service but only 52% are likely to be attracted to some one they meet in a bar or nightclub (Hanman, 2005). Furthermore, recent evidence sugggests that online relationships last longer. A study conducted by Jeff Gavin, a psychologist at the University of Bath, revealed that couples who had built up a significant relationship by emailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94% went on to see each other again, many having relationships that lasted more than a year (Hanman, 2005). This "online chemistry" seems to lead people to a more suitable and fulfilling match in real life.

Anonymity: Rejection? Who Cares?

Rejection, online, is easier to take then in person. Online dating reduces fear of rejection and social awkwardness. Someone not responding to your e-mail is not the same as someone not showing up on a real date. Also, you don't have to go on a date just to be nice. If you don't find interest in a person, you can truthfully tell that person without feeling obligated.

Convenience: Anywhere, Anytime, Anyone

The Internet has a great advantage over more traditional dating tactics in that it provides more opportunities to find dates. It provides access to a countless number of people, from different backgrounds and locations. Members can meet people from various parts of the world, countries ranging from Djibouti to Sweden, who they would never had the opportunity to meet. The Internet eliminates the distance barrier. You can meet anyone from anywhere.

Online dating is also very convenient and fast. There is no time commitment or costs involved. It takes little time to sign online or send out an e-mail. You don't have to dress up to go on an online date. You can just sit in front of your computer without having showered or dressed to impress. This aspect appeals of online dating appeals to busy singles and singles partners.

You can access online dating sites 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, online dating sites offer members affordable prices. Online dating is less expensive than in-person dating. The average cost to join a dating service is $20 per month (Online Dating Advantages, 2004). For this, you will have access to thousands of profiles and photos, giving you time to narrow down your selection. However, most sites let you post a profile and search other members for free, while paying a low subscription fee that allows you to get access to their contact information (Hanman, 2005).
