2424 Haste St. Apt. F-15
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 666-1119


Post Date: 03/09/00

Quick joke: The voting of Californians.

Hey there! So James put two of the new songs on mp3.com/glg20s and they are ready to download. It looks like we will be getting the new album out shortly. We will keep you all informed. We would love to get some feedback on our new songs. If you listen to them, please email us at
glg20s@yahoo.com and let us know what you think. Thanks.

We have decided to give out some of the cool new patches we have made. If you would like one, send a SASE (that's self-addressed stamped envelope) to us (address at the top of every page) and we will mail you a patch. Send in for one today, supplies are limited.

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Post Date: 01/19/00

Quick joke: Timmy, have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Well, what a long week we have had. Two radio shows, one show at a bar, and two days of recording. I think all of us are glad that we won't be playing again for at least a week. We successfully recorded 10 new songs that we will be putting on an album sometime this spring. I think everyone will enjoy this one. And the quality is going to be superb because the recording and mixing is all digital. Many thanx to Jeff for the use of his studio, and Wendy of
Phoneix Thunderstone/Zos Kia Sounds fame for recording and engineering.

Pretty soon the "naked pics of the band link" won't be completely false. We should be getting some pictures from the shows up on the site sometime soon. Get ready for those, they are going to be spectacular. Go check out the lyrics to the new songs just so you can sing along when the album comes out.

We're glad some people heard the radio shows over the web. Hopefully even more people will listen to them next time. (And we'll try to show up to the stations on time to play so the shows don't get delayed by two hours.)

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Post Date: 12/16/99

Quick joke: What did the blind man say as he pissed into the wind? Ah, I can see! It's all coming back to me.

Wow, we've had quite a surge of visitors and fans via
MP3.com. Anyways, as the holidays approach, we just wanted to let everyone know that we will stil be alive and kicking in the year 2000. We have some shows that are confirmed: The radio stations have realAudio broadcasts over the web, so you can check those out if you want. And of course if you're in the greater Bay Area, come see us play. Dennis, Dave, and Mike may be playing some shows in Southern California after Christmas without me (James), and we'll get those posted as soon as they're confirmed.

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Post Date: 09/26/99

Quick joke: Why did Helen Keller's dog commit suicide? You would too if your name was Ughurrroool Eeekahhharrr.

Well, everyone, and I mean everyone is back in skool, but we're "banding" together this weekend to play 3 times in two days. Pretty Xciting. Here's the info:
If you need more info please don't hesitate to e-mail us, Dennis wishes he received more e-mail anyways, glg20s@yahoo.com and we'll fill you in so you can learn how to dance!

Also, another thanx to Wendy and Sean from Phoenix Thunderstone, and Pete from Commie Industries for getting us the radio shows.

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Post Date: 06/23/99

Quick joke: Why was the short-order cook feeling stressed out? He ran out of Thyme.

Ok, this is gonna be real quick because James is in the middle of packing to move down to Santa Clara for 3 weeks to teach kids how to waste their time on the computer like he does. But before that, there are 4 show announcements.
  • June 23rd The Gypsy Lounge, Lake Forrest CA
  • June 24th Que Cera, Long Beach CA
  • July 3rd Rochdale Co-op 2424 Haste St. Berkeley CA
  • July 4th Some Block Party in Sacramento CA
If you want to come to any of the shows and need more info please don't hesitate to e-mail us
glg20s@yahoo.com and we'll fill you in so you can come see us ROCK OUT!

Also I just wanted to thank Wendy Van Dusen for finding a spot for us on her web-zine Primal Chaos Check it out.

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Post Date: 04/23/99

Quick joke: The protesters in Berkeley who chant, "All we are saying...is give peace a chance", as they yell for NATO to stop bombing Kosovo. As if what Milosovich was doing before NATO arrived was considered peaceful by anyone other than a lunatic.

Hey we have a show! That's right, May 7th we're playing at Dennis' friend Emily's house. It's gonna be kinda small, we probably shouldn't give out her address on the web and tell people to go there, but if you're interested, please e-mail us
glg20s@yahoo.com and we'll fill you in so you can come see us ROCK OUT!

We're also gearing up for some sort of summer tour of the greater CA/AZ/NV area. More details on that as they arise.

Ok, so James redid the entire web site while putting off a term paper for some Technology in American Society class.

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Post Date: 11/13/98

Quick joke: What's the difference between Dave dead on the highway, and a dog dead on the highway?

The skidmarks before the dog.

Hello, this is not the normal news reporter for the glg20's. Normally, James is the one that let's everyone know what's going on in our little world. This time you're getting something different. You're getting the bassist's point of view. Anyway, lots of interesting and exciting stuff has happened.

We flew down to San Diego on Friday, spent that night and Saturday practicing at a rehearsal space, played on the radio on Sunday morning, and recorded all night Sunday. It was a very busy weekend. The radio show went well as far as we could tell. Unfortunately, we couldn't figure out how to record it so we never got to hear how it sounded. We were all very appreciative of Chachi Mueller for putting us on his show.

Later that day we went up to Escondido to PH Production's studio. It was a pretty neat little place that looked like something out of the late 70's. Since we were all new at the recording stuff (except for James) we had a fun time setting up and getting all of the sound checks done. Once it was all set up we played for about five hours. Then came the mixing of the songs. As far as I was concerned, the unmixed versions sounded ten times better than anything else we have recorded. But Eric the engineer made it all sound even better. We had originally planned to record eleven songs in five hours. But when it was all said and done, we had actually spent nine hours at the studio to get the eleven songs done.

Right now we are in the production process and are hoping to start selling the cd's in about a week and a half. I think the cd sounds really great and hopefully we are going to be able to get some shows with it. The cd will have 12 songs on it and sell for four dollars(I think). Not a bad deal.

I hope you all enjoyed my venture into the news posting business. Catch 'ya later!

Not to intrude on Dennis' debut, but in a little web site news, version 4 collapsable news and lyrics pages should be up soon. I'm working on a fix so they'll work in Navigator and MSIE. In an attempt to bring the site to version 4 standars, while maintaining functionality in lower browsers, this'll be the first step. - JAMES

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Post Date: 10/27/98

Quick joke: What do you call a cow that just had an abortion?


In web site news, the MP3's went back online about 2 weeks ago. There's also a sniffer program collecting information about what browser you're using when you come to the site. Don't worry, we're not colelcting any information about you to steal your identity or anything like that, but we're planning to release a souped-up site and need to see if writing for 4.x and higher browsers, only, is an option.

Dennis and James are flying down to San Diego on Nov. 6th, and will be there until Nov. 9th. The band will be going into an official recording studio to lay down as many songs as they can remember. We're also scheduled to be on Dennis' friend "Cha-Chi's" radio show on UCSD's college radio station.

And to wrap up, remember to wash your hands after you poop, because someone who was in contact with James, and/or his food, didn't...and as a result, James got a bacterium he would not wish on his worst enemy.

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Post Date: 09/02/98

Quick joke: James's life...

In band web site news, the MP3 files are unavailable at the moment due to a copyright infringement battle we're having with the ISP hosting the songs. The e-mail(s) can be read at the end of today's posting. Also the guestbook has eaten itself up and we've lots unrecoverable information. James will be writing a guestbook script and keeping it on our server instead of going through a third party service. Sorry.

James and Dennis have written several songs over the summer and will be calling distributors this Friday in hopes of getting the 7" out to more people. We've received requests from outside the US which amazes us, Serbia and Italy for Xample. With our demo song Susan, which is probably the best recorded material we have in terms of sound quality, we're hping to land some shows or something. We'll also be recording again sometime later in the semester once everyone sorts out their schedule.

Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 13:06:35 +0100
From: JPS Customer Service customers@jps.net
To: "James F. Pine" arbustus@jps.net
Subject: Re: MP3's on jps.net

Mr Pine;
I apologize for the miscommunication. At the time I wrote you I was told all we needed was letter stating that you own the copyright. I have sinced been informed that we actually need to see a copy of the copyright before we can unlock the directory with your MP3s. Again I apologize for any nconvience.

Thank You
JPS Customer Service

James F. Pine wrote:

Ok, I'm getting a little annoyed with this. My website directory was locked without notifying me for reasons that were not stated in your TOS. I wrote several e-mails and supposedly my site was supposed to be unlocked; however, the directory containing the MP3's which I own the copyright to has not been unlocked. I wrote an e-mail concering this earlier in the week and did not receive a response. Can someone please tell me what's going on?


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:34:57 +0100
From: JPS Customer Service customers@jps.net
To: "James F. Pine" arbustus@jps.net
Subject: Re: MP3's on jps.net
Mr Pine;
At this time as long as you own the copyrights to the MP3 material you will be allowed to store it on your webpage. If it generates to much traffic though, your site will be locked down again. In the future if JPS finds that MP3s in general generate to much traffic we may not allow them on our system. At this time though as long as you own them you can use them.

Thank You
JPS Customer Service

James F. Pine wrote:

Thank you for unlocking my web site; however, I am still unclear as to if I can have my bands' songs in MP3 format on the server without the website being locked again. Thank you.


At 10:40 AM 8/28/98 +0100, you wrote: Mr Pine;
Your website should be unlocked within 24hours.

Thank You
JPS Customer Service

James F. Pine wrote:

Hi, I'm having problems with my web site directory. I contacted support.jps.net and was told I needed to contact customer service because I have MP3's in my directory. I was unaware that having MP3's was against JPS policy. I did not read anything concerning them in the TOS. Furthermore, the MP3's are songs that I and my band members (the glg20*s http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jfpine/) wrote and have copyrighted so there is no legal wrongdoing or pirating going on. How do I get my account turned back on?


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 01:18:31 -0700
From: JPS Tech Support support@jps.net
To: "James F. Pine" arbustus@jps.net
Subject: Re: web directory problems

It appears that it was disabled because of mp3's on it. You'll have to contact Customer Service regarding this

JPS Tech Support

James F. Pine wrote:

Hi, when I try to access any files on my website http://www.jps.net/arbustus/ via the web, it asks me for a username and password, and when I Try to ftp to my directory, it won't let me in. I get an access denied error. I didn't change anything, I'm not allowed to chmod my root directory so I'm wondering what happened. Does everything there look normal for user: arbustus?


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Post Date: 06/18/98

Quick joke: What's the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer?
One builds bombs, the other builds targets.

Well, it's summer time for James and Dennis. James got back from the Philippines about a week ago and was quite ill from some unknown bacteria, but he's on Biaxin now and feeling much better, he spends his time working for the UC Berkeley Human Resources Department. Dennis has been running and Xercising, and will be off to "camp", in Texas, for his Air Force ROTC program for 4 weeks. Mike is makin' mad flow waiting tables @ Claim Jumper, so maybe he will move back up to Berkeley soon. Hopefully Dave is hard @ work as well. Dave had a job @ Home Depot until he was fired on request of some retarded, dummber than an empty mayonaise jar, customer. The customer chewed Dave out with many profanities, and Dave wasn't about to take that from some idiotic stranger so he spoke out at them. Home Depot has since been banned by the glg20*s.

Among music news, one new song was completed during the end of May,
Susan. It will be on a demo tape used to try and book shows, and a MP3 file should find it's way onto this site sometime in the near future.

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Post Date : 04/18/98

Quick joke: We're going on a nationwide tour in a week, look for us in a city near you.

There is now a tiny form on the main page where you can sign up to receive e-mail every time this page is updated, neato. We have 100 copies of our 7"s ready to ship, so get'em while you can. The first 150 will have a special sticker. Mike and Dave have postponed their trip up to Berkeley until the end of the semester, so the 4 new songs won't be done until the end of May. That's about it, buy our 7"!

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Post Date: 03/23/98

Quick joke: Two peanuts were walking down a dark alley and one of them got assaulted

The 7 inches have arrived here in Berkeley and the collage and cover should be complete by tomorrow afternoon. The insert should be finished fairly soon as well, we're looking for everything to be ready to sell/ship before tax day comes around.

Dennis and James are in the process of laying down bass and guitar tracks for the 4 new songs mentioned a few posts ago. Those should be done before they leave for Yosemite to go backpacking over spring break. During Dave's spring break, in April, he'll come up here and complete the songs, so you can look for another release in the near future.

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Post Date: 03/06/98

Quick joke (fact): Most of the houses in France are made of plaster of Paris.

Yahoo!, yesterday our 7"s finally arrived in San Diego. They're only 2+ months late, not bad...ha, Mike Landucci of ACME RECORDS has been banned from the GLG20*s list of people worth associating with, and moved to the list of people worth spitting on, even if it means booking a plane ticket to do so. It's plausible that he really tried to get our records out when he said he would (Dec), but somehow it just doesn't look that way. Anyways, the cover art is done and scanned, all the pictures for the collage have been scanned and touched up for printing, all that's left is the scribing of the lyrics by all 4 band members, and then they should be ready to go!

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Post Date: 01/15/98

Quick joke: A girl phoned me the other day and said .... Come on over, there's nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home.

Our 7"s were supposed to be done and in our hands already...alas we don't even have the test pressings. Something fishy is going on @ ACME RECORDS...don't think they'll be earning the GLG20*s seal of approval any time soon. As soon as we get them, you'll know. I think we all had a fine break, Dennis and James are back in Berkeley as of today, and Dave and Michael are staying in San Diego. This will make it tought to do anything, but we'll figure something out. We did record 4 drum tracks, at a far superior quality than last time while we were all down in SoCal. We weren't rushed this time...we held up our half of the bargain by crunching to get the first recording done on time, and are quite disappointed that we don't have the records in our hands to give to you.

Reguardless, the next production once the 7"s are done will be a tape probably, unless a record company decides to fund a 7" because we don't have the $$$ or the want to deal with a DIY production when dealing with people who don't produce on time. It will have 4 more songs on it, Marisa, Danny,
Open Your Eyes, and Jellybean's.

There aren't any new pictures up, sorry about that. We're still trying to decide which ones to post...they don't usually come out the way we'd like. We appreciate the people who take them, but their timing sometimes leaves somethign to be desired...

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Post Date: 11/23/97

Ouick joke: Why don't they teach Sex Education & Drivers Ed. on the same day at Redneck State?
It confuses the mule.

Not so quick joke: A magician on a cruise liner had a parrot, who'd seen all the magician's tricks a jillion times, long ago having figured out how the magician made everything in the act disappear. The parrot grew to be very bored, his owner growing stale and not developing any new tricks that the parrot could figure out.
One night in the middle of the magician's performance, the ship hit an iceberg and sank. Everyone drowned except the magician and the parrot. The magician managed to swim to a piece of wreckage and climb aboard, immediately collapsing from exhaustion.
Soon afterward, the parrot flew to the magician and perched on the edge of the makeshift raft and stared at the magician. And stared. And stared. For a whole day the magician was unconscious, and all this time the parrot didn't take his eyes off him. Eventually the magician started to stir. Looking up, he saw the parrot, still eyeing him intently, not even blinking.
Another hour goes by, and finally the parrot squawks, "Awright, I give up. What did you do with the damn ship?"

Alrighty then, we're done recording! Yes yes, we spent 19 hours recording and mixing 4 songs between 11/15 and 11/20. These will be put on a 7" which should be out around Xmas. The songs going on the record are:
KML, Not Alone, Bonsai Tree, and Sometimes. We're pretty satisfied with the quality. We did it on a 4-track, the drums were recorded in the studio, and everything else was done in NoHo Room #8, Xcept the final mix which was done in NoHo Room #3 (Thanx Jeremy and Marissa for letting us use your tape deck). We're still in the process of making the labels and insert for the 7"s, if you have any art work you'd like to be on the record, e-mail us and attach the image, or you can always snail-mail it over to us, maybe we'll stick it in! Sound bytes of the songs can be found on our sounds page, have a listen!

We will NOT be playing at the Co-Op big event due to Hippof*cker Cigal, the girl who organized the bands. We called her at least 50 times, and paged her a few times too, she said she'd pitch it to the board, and then never told us what happened. I'm still trying to convince the rest of the band that we need to play a free show on the UC Berkeley Campus, since I found a workign outlet...but we'll see what happens. If you're in the SoCal area, we might be playing at the end of Dec/beginning of Jan down there if possible.

The Lpage guestbook server has been down for a few days now, and it's pissing me off...they have this lame message that says it'll be back in a few hours, but they're lying. So I switched to Dreambook and it seems to be working ok, sorry for the inconvienence.

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Post Date: 11/02/97

Quick joke: What do you get when you mix an insomniac, and agnostic, and a dyslexic? Answer: A person who stays up all night wondering whether or not there is a dog.

Soooo, we've played our first two shows, gigs, concerts, whatever, and we rocked both of them. 160+ people watched us play at the COE Talent show and most of them enjoyed our 2 song performance. Dave and James each dropped their pick once, Mike didn't drop a drumstick, no one broke a string, and Dennis played the Not Alone breakdown to perfection.

At our house party we played for 45 minutes, ran through 15 songs, and played what will soon be our signature death metal opening. Dave ate through one pick and managed to play the whole set on someone else's guitar because his was being bitchy, James dropped his pick once and wore a shirt sleeve on his head for 3/4 of the set until it finally came off during a jump, Mike (again) didn't drop a drumstick and rocked at light speed through the entire set, and Dennis was a Mexican jumping bean who sang Screeching Weasel's I Wanna Be A Homosexual as if he had his heart set on it. Too bad only 25-30 people saw us because Tom B. our social manager is a fruit, and Tony "Merlin" Superstar choked last minute. Our friends Diane, Marissa, and Melissa took pictures so hopefully some of them will find their way here to the web page shortly.

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Post Date: 10/11/97

Quick joke: How many rude boys does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: 4, One to screw it in and 3 to yell, "PICK IT UP! PICK IT UP! PICK IT UP! (no offense to all you Rudies, but I read it on a bathroom wall and I thought it was funny-ha ha ha.

On 10/18/97 The GLG20s will be rockin' the UC Berkeley campus @ the College of Engineering talent show. We'll be playing 2 songs (
Not Alone and Sometimes) in an effort to win the secret prize...the show runs from 7-9pm in the Choral Rehearsal Hall located in the basement of the Golden Bear Center/Cesar Chavez Center. It's free, there'll be a variety of acts playing, free food, and we'll be handing out stickers...

On 11/01/97 The GLG20s perform @ Le Chateau Co-op located @ 2545 Hillegass Ave. Berkeley, CA. We open for Merlin the Magician and his merry men...starts around 7:30pm and costs a measely $3-4.

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Send web site questions/comments to: jfpine@ocf.berkeley.edu
© 2000 glg20*s