Roots and Current Practice of Chinese Medicine
webmaster Kane Shieh


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Assignment 9 due the week of 11/18

Reading Assignment:
Optional Reading:
Recommended Book:

Writing Assignment:
This week's assignment is short because in my tired stupor I forgot to upload it. Sorry.

0)  WRITE YOUR SID ON YOUR PAPER.   Check which assignments we haven't received from you.  Remember, no assignments will be accepted after 12/7.  You need a Y, E, or X for EVERY assignment in order to pass!

1) (at least 100 words)  (For those who attended Tuesday's class only)  What is qi?  How does Kane's definition differ from Ken Rose's?  How does Kane's definition fit into Ken Rose's?  Which definition is more functional for a Chinese medical doctor and why?

2) (at least 100 words) (For those who atteended Thursday's class)  Try the qi gong stance for 10 minutes.  Remember to close afterwards, breathe in through your nose and out your mouth, stick your tongue above your teeth.  It's okay to talk, to move your eyes, to watch TV, listen to music.  DO NOT close your eyes.  Try not to move out of your stance, but don't be stiff.  Everything should be relaxed and easy.
3) If you didn't attend either class, answer this: What is qi?