
Posts by studentorganicgarden

Personal Care with Medicinal Herbs Workshop!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Personal Care and Medicinal Herb Workshop yesterday! 💛 We loved learning and sipping on Golden Turmeric milk with you! Below we have attached our personal care + medicinal herbs guide.

Interested in teaching one of our DeCals?

SOGA currently has three annual DeCals that take place in the garden, Garden Leadership and Management (Fall Semester), Intro to Organic Gardening and Food Justice (Spring Semester), and Berkeley Urban Gardening Internship (BUGI) (Fall Semester). If you are interested in facilitating/teaching one of these DeCals or have an idea for a new one please let us know! Email us at ASAP! 

Paid Management Internships at SOGA – Summer 2018

SOGA is looking for 3 enthusiastic summer interns to join our management team. If you want to get more involved with the garden, our internships are the perfect opportunity! Being a manager at SOGA is fun, rewarding, and perfect for individuals who wants to make an impact in our community this summer. For more information and […]

Kombucha and Salve-Making Workshop!

Thanks to all who joined us in the garden on Sunday and made medicinal salve and kombucha starter with us! We had so much fun and can’t wait for our next workshops to come (and to drink our kombucha soon!). Don’t forget to use your medicinal salve for relief during this midterm season! Attached is the kombucha making […]

Intro to Organic Gardening Crash Course Workshop!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Intro to Organic Gardening Workshop last Sunday! We had so much fun seed starting and propagating with you. This past weekend at our Organic Gardening Workshop we discussed and conducted practices of Organic Garden through Seed Starting, Seed Saving, and Propagating. It was a crash course on […]

Pickling Workshop!

We had such a great time at the Pickling Workshop this past Sunday! Students not only pickled daikon radishes but also broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, and lettuce. This workshop had an emphasis on food security and the use of fresh materials. Participants can use the knowledge of pickling to keep produce throughout the winter when there is […]

Kick-Off Semester Social!

Happy Monday! Thank you to everybody who came out to the Kick-Off Semester Social! It was so great to see some new faces! Even if you weren’t able to make it SOGA holds opens hours every Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. This is perfect time to come on down to the garden and […]

Food Justice Through Urban Gardening Decal

This semester in SOGA we are hosting the ‘Food Justice Through Urban Gardening’ Decal. It has been redesigned from the previous spring decal called ‘Intro to Organic Gardening and Food Justice.’ This class will introduce both new and experienced gardeners to the basic theories and methods of urban agriculture, while exploring the ways that social injustice […]


We are so happy to start up the semester again and get it kicking with some workshops and socials! Veterans, newbies, students, and community members are all equally welcomed! Semester Kickoff Social (February 11th), Pickling Workshop (February 25th), Intro to Organic Gardening Crash Course (March 11th) Herbal Salve Making / Kombucha Making (March 18th) Container Gardening […]

Occupy the Farm Screening + Development Updates

The Student Organic Garden Association (SOGA) would like to invite you to our screening of Occupy the Farm on Sunday, July 30th at 7pm. We are currently facing threats of development from UC Berkeley, an experience our friends at Gill Tract are all too familiar with. This night will be for learning about the history […]

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