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Cheat Sites

Promoting Plagiarism
Many websites called "cheat sites" allow students to pay for essays or get them for free. Just searchfor "free essays" in and you will find at least 13 million* sites listed. Type in "cheap essays" and you will find at least 1 million* sites listed.

For as little at $10, student can buy an essay on almost any topic, from "history" to "current events." Even science papers are available online. Essays are supposedly written by students who volunteer or sell their work. Other essays are claimed (by the sites) to be written by professionals.

How far do they go?
Some sites will offer to send a paper that reflects the student's tone of writing, given a sample of the student's work. They also offer college admissions essays. Surpringly, they even sell graduation speeches.

Click on the icons to the left to view a few of the millions of sites found:

* For sites that are in English and updated within the past 3 months.