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Detection Software

Each detection engine also produces different results to instructors. Examples are:

  • Returning the student's essay (to the instructors) with the text highlighted in different colors. Each highlighted chunk of text refers to a degree of plagiarism (low, moderate, or high).
  • Returning the student's essay with a score, referring to how much a student's work matched other sources. This score usually comes as a percentage or color.
  • Returning a list of websites that the student's work may have used.

Results Speed
Results can be returned fast. The fastest found was 1 minute; the slowest, 24 hours, which still is very fast. For some (for a very small amount, in fact) software, how fast the results come depends on the computer's internet speed, so instructors would be dependent on their internet service provider.

User Friendliness
Although most of the software is easy to use for both students and instructors, some aren't. Some detection software requires that the instructors upload student works, which may be a big burden for the instructors.