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Eat what you want AND lose weight!  
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The Mod Diet is not your traditional low-carb, or even right-carb plan. Instead, you'll be eating whatever you want. Want a 24-oz. steak? Go ahead. Fries with that? No problem. Loaded baked potato? Sounds yummy. I've had all of the above (well, I have my baked potatos plain, but that's only because I prefer it that way). People who know me know that whenever I go out to eat, I eat a ridculous amount of food for my body size, and I never seem to get fat.

To say the Mod Diet is just a diet is a bit of an inaccuracy. It is as much a lifestyle as a diet. Now before you get concerned that the diet includes working out and exercising, it doesn't have to necessarily (although you definitely SHOULD since that is good for your health and is a good supplement to any diet). In fact, you may find that the new lifestyle the diet embraces is one that you'll enjoy. Indeed, part of the Mod Diet is to find something that entertains you and that can be a full-time hobby.

How does the Mod Diet work, exactly? How can you eat anything you want, as much as you want, and still lose weight? The trick is to eat less on average. Sound like an old-fashioned diet plan where you just eat low-fat foods every meal? The problem with that is the guilt you feel when you treat yourself to a "break". When you're on the Mod Diet, weekly binges are perfectly fine, even encouraged. Furthermore, normal diets where you restrict your food intake are difficult because you have to make a conscious effort to deny yourself the food. With the Mod Diet, you shape your environment so that skipping a meal won't take a second thought.

The best thing about the Mod Diet is that there is no risk! You are guaranteed to lose weight or your money back*. You may find that, in the course of trying out the Mod Diet, you may even save money as a nice side effect! Read on to find out how.

 *Of course, since the Mod Diet is free to try, money back doesn't mean as much. Also, money back does not include the cost of whatever hobby you choose.



prime rib
