The Horse

Adventurous, energetic, and always on the go, Horses either leave home early in life or start working at an early age.  Born to travel and see the world, Horses love excercise, both physical and mental.  Their independent nature gives them the opportunity to constantly experience a myriad of sensations which keep their adventurous hearts pounding.

Their cheerful attitude makes them quite entertaining and popular at parties.  A combination of an adventurous nature, cheerfulness, and raw sex appeal makes them very attractive to the opposite sex.  Easily aroused by strong sensations and emotions, Horses easily fall in love and out of love as well. 

Independent and free-spirited, Horses are rebellious and selfish at times.  

        Years of the Horse:
1906 1918
1930 1942
1954 1966
1978 1990
2002 2014
Distinguishing traits:
Independent Free-spirited
Attractive Adventurous
Cheerful Popular
Rebellious Selfish
Open-minded Flexible
Additional information:
Ranking order 7th
Direction South
Season Summer
Month June
Time of day 11a-1p
Element Fire
Stem Positive
Western Sign Gemini
Famous Snakes:
Thomas Edison
Teddy Roosevelt
Davey Crockett
Leonard Bernstein
Barbara Steisand
Denzel Washington
Links to other animals:

The Rat
The Ox
The Tiger
The Rabbit
The Dragon
The Snake
The Horse
The Ram
The Monkey
The Rooster
The Dog
The Pig
