Table of Contents

Math 104: Introduction to Real Analysis (2021 Fall)


Instructor: Peng Zhou
Office: Evans 931
Office Hour: Monday 12:10-1pm, updated Wednesday 10:10-11am, Friday 10:10-11am

Lecture: MWF, 11:10am - 12:00. Etcheverry 3107.

GSI: James Dix. Mondays 9am-6pm, Wednesday 12-2pm in Evans 1049.

Online Help:



20% homework; 2 midterms 20% + 20%; and final 40%. If you didn't do well in one of the midterm, you have the option to drop it, and final will have a 60% weight. The lowest homework grades will be dropped.

Midterm date: 9/22 (Wed), 11/3 11/10 (Wed). There will be no make-up midterms.

Final Date: Mon, Dec 13 • 11:30A - 2:30P

Homework will be submitted via gradescope. Entry Code:YVZRDZ


part 1: number system, sequence and limit, series.
part 2: metric space and topology. continuity.
part 3: differentiation and integration.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Tao 5.3-5.5

Week 4

Tao Ch 6. Ross Ch 2.1 - 2.7.

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Wrapping up Ch 2. Continuity. Rudin Ch 4. Another concise lecture note to follow is Rui Wang's lecture note

updated office hour from now on Tuesday 11-12am moved to Wednesday 10:10-11am

Week 10


Week 11

Midterm 2 postponed to next Wednesday.

Week 12

Sequences of functions. (Rudin Ch 7)

Office hour on Monday moved to Tuesday 12-2pm

Week 13

Rudin Ch 5, Differentiation. One can also see notes from 2021 spring previous version

Week 14

Rudin Ch6

Week 15

Week 16

Review week. No class. We have daily office hours 12-1pm, at zoom link, from Monday-Thursday. If you plan to come, please arrive by 12:10.


final exam and solution, Common Mistakes in Final, final-grades