How do YOU become a member? Anyone can become a member! We have an optional $15/semester membership fee that provides many benefits such as access to our testbank, discounts on merch, and discounts on other events such as the banquet. You can contact our CHE secretary via email (chesecretary@gmail.com) or at our meetings if you wish to become a member.
Why should YOU become a member?
CHE promotes a friendly, professional and academic atmosphere in which our members can be comfortable with each other, where they can ask for help, and a place where they can receive advice from others while establishing lifetime friendships. In addition to providing a sense of community, we also provide members with a weekly newsletter that contains various research, volunteer and other opportunities. We also offer members the opportunity to be paired with either a Medical Student from UCSF’s Latino Medical Student Association or a Graduate student at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Members will also be exposed to various presentations on health issues, health careers and sit in presentations given by guest speakers. We also encourage members to be involved in our other activities such as our socials, fundraisers, community service projects, and study hours. Members will always have access to academic and class scheduling advice as well as our new test bank. CHE is the ideal environment for students who are looking to help out their communities as well as helping themselves succeed.
What are the requirements for members? We expect our members to come out to our weekly meetings, for members to be active in our events and we encourage our members to apply for our internship so that they can either gain leadership skills or gain experience so that they can apply to be a Board of Director. Although we do not enforce any requirements we will only endorse students for letters of recommendation/references or verification of members being a member if they have contributed to the organization to the best of their abilities. We also provide CHE stoles for graduation to the members who have been active in CHE.

Who can become a member? We welcome all students who are interested in pursuing a career in Health, Medicine or Public Health and/or students who are interested in learning about health issues that affect underserved communites, with an emphasis on Latino Health. We have members from various majors and colleges including Spanish, Public Health, Sociology, Integrative Biology, Molecular & Cell Biology, Psychology and majors from the College of Natural Resources such as Molecular Environmental Biology. Our members range from freshman to 5th years