UCBCKI Board 2024-2025
With 9 unique positions to address the different aspects of the member experience, the UCBCKI board serves to shape your journey in Circle K into something meaningful and memorable.
Executive Board
Elected by the members, the Executive Board is in charge of overseeing the administrative side of Circle K and helping out the Appointed Board to ensure the smooth running of the club.
Sriya Pillutla
Service Vice President
To Be Posted - SVP Bio
Yanisa Chaisomboonpan
To Be Posted - President Bio
Ethan Radley Bungay
Administrative Vice President
To Be Posted - AVP Bio
Sean Molden
To Be Posted - Secretary bio
Aanya Sethi
To Be Posted - Treasurer Bio
Appointed Board
Chosen by the Executive Board, the Appointed Board helps run the various components of the club. Each member of the Appointed Board oversees their own committee to help drive growth and generate new ideas to help the club improve.
We are currently seeking A-Board members, so please apply here: A-Board Application
Service Chair
To Be Posted - Service Chair Bio
Kiwanis Family Chair
To Be Posted - Kiwanis Family Chair Bio
Tech Chair
To Be Posted - Tech Chair Bio
Spirit & Social Chair
To Be Posted - Spirit & Social Chair Bio
Publications Editor
To Be Posted - Publications Chair Bio