Jeeva Clinic’s Executive Team

UC Berkeley

2021 Academic Year Board
Neha Simha: Co-President

“Hello! I’m so excited to be serving Jeeva Clinic as Co-President this academic year. I’m a third year majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology and Public Health. I joined Jeeva Clinic my freshman year and I loved the supportive, low stress, service-oriented environment that I found. I’m grateful to this club for proving a space where we can focus on improving ourselves and our community. I’m looking forward to meeting our new members and having important discussions about healthcare this semester. In my free time, I enjoy painting, curating playlists, and running.”

Shreyas Kiran: Co-President

“Hi! My name is Shreyas and I’m a sophomore intending to major in Microbial Biology and interested in a career in healthcare. I like binging shows on Netflix and especially rewatching The Office. Fun fact: I also play the ukulele! This is my second year in Jeeva and I like the immediate hands-on experience we get in healthcare and also the direct impact we have on the community.”

Shria Narayanan: Vice President

“Hi! My name is Shria Narayanan and I am currently a second year at Cal! I am an intended MCB major and have been a part of Jeeva Clinic for the past year. Through Jeeva Clinic and as a South Asian myself, I have enhanced my passion for educating the South Asian community with heart-related issues along with informing them with ways to help. Some of my hobbies include Bharathanatyam (Indian Classical Dance) and binge watching Netflix!”

Kaavya Venkat: Webmaster

“Hi my name is Kaavya! I am a senior studying Global Health and Development! I have been in Jeeva Clinic since my freshman year and it has been such a pleasure watching it grow into such a robust organization. As members of Jeeva, we take public health very seriously and try to combat the cardiovascular epidemic within the South Asian community by educating others about how to have healthy habits — without changing their roots/cultural lifestyles — in order to prevent risks of diabetes. My favorite part of being in this club is hosting clinics around the Bay Area. Talking to the older generation about their health in a way that is meaningful and accessible allows me to feel like I have a direct impact in their lives — and sometimes I even get to practice my Tamil with the sweet grandparents that stop by at our table!”

Azeen Keihani: Academic Director

“Hi there! My name’s Azeen and I’m a junior double majoring in MCB and IB. I’m a huge animal lover, aspiring professional baker, and I love to walk and hike anywhere. Here at Berkeley, I’ve been really blessed to meet a lot of amazing people and join communities that represent what I’m most passionate about, like environmental preservation, public health, stem cell research, and above all, health care! Jeeva Clinic has been a totally new place for me to explore the home healthy side of medicine and focus on populations that look and remind me of me and the struggles I know and face within my own community.”

Arathi Vinod: Public Relations Director

“Hi! I’m Arathi, and I am currently a third year student at Berkeley studying Molecular and Cell Biology. I joined Jeeva Clinic last year in hopes of spreading awareness about healthy lifestyle practices, particularly within the South Asian community that is so close to my heart. Throughout my time in Jeeva, I learned so much about cardiovascular health and got to meet a welcoming community of people who share my passion for healthcare. When I’m not studying on campus, you can find me mentoring Jefferson Elementary students or studying mtDNA at the Lewis Lab. I also love playing the piano, drawing, singing, and playing tennis in my free time! In the future, I dream of becoming a pediatrician and practicing healthcare in underprivileged areas. Through Jeeva Clinic, I hope to give back to a community that has molded my identity and that reminds of what I work for.”

Adithi Jaikumar: Finance Director

“Hi! I’m Adithi from Sacramento and I am a third-year Molecular and Cell Biology major. I joined Jeeva Clinic because of my interest in the healthcare field and because I wanted to create an impact within the South Asian community regarding cardiovascular disease. Through Jeeva, I hope to be a part of a change that can help our community with the pressing issue of heart disease. I believe it is important to spread awareness about this issue and to promote healthier lifestyles and habits. I also hope to attend medical school after my undergraduate studies to pursue a career in Pediatric Oncology. In my free time, I like to dance Bharatanatyam, sing Carnatic Music, and binge Indian movies with my family.”

Namrata Vedagarbha: DeCal Coordinator

“Hey, I’m Namrata! I’m a second-year intended Molecular and Cell Biology major and Nutrition minor from Fremont, CA. I joined Jeeva Clinic last year to delve deeper into the science behind cardiovascular diseases and to learn how to take biometrics. Through this club, I met so many amazing people who share my passion for advocating for sustainable lifestyle changes to promote better heart health in the South Asian community. In my free time, I love to hike, bake banana bread, paint, play tennis, and sing.”

Samhita Bhat: DeCal Coordinator

“I am a second-year intended Public Health major with a minor in Global Poverty and Practice from Cupertino, CA. I joined Jeeva Clinic during my freshman year due to my interests in health education and medicine, as well as the intersection that Jeeva has with my own South Asian background. My experience with Jeeva has been impactful, from co-teaching the Decal to going to clinics around the Bay Area, and has furthered my passion for a career in healthcare. I hope to pursue medical school and also continue building equity in healthcare. Aside from Jeeva, I like dancing, scoping out the best Thai food and boba places, and hanging out with my friends!

Sarvesh Rajanikanth: DeCal Officer

“Hi! My name is Sarvesh and I’m a sophomore intending to major in MCB and Business Administration. Although general healthcare and the surrounding business spheres themselves intrigue me greatly, my current passion is sports medicine and I hope to explore the subject further in the future. Working within Jeeva Clinic and actively engaging in clinic/discussions has really pushed me to explore these fields on a more practical level and I hope our new members will have similarly enlightening experiences. Other than that, just a little bit more about me: I love football (Go Niners!) and my current favorite TV shows are Lucifer and The Boys.”

Shivani Bhandarkar: Senior Advisor
“I’m a senior majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology, and have been a part of Jeeva since freshman year. Through Jeeva’s clinics, I’ve learned so much about leading a heart-healthy lifestyle and have been able to apply this knowledge to my own family and community. Through our events this semester, I hope to educate myself and others on racial and socioeconomic disparities in healthcare/academia. Outside of school, I love to sing and am part of Berkeley’s choir!”

2019-2020 Academic Year Board
Co-President: Niti Pawar

Niti is a fourth year Psychology major from Fremont, CA. Outside Jeeva Clinic, Niti loves staying active through hiking, running, and playing soccer and tennis! She ran a half marathon and hiked up Half Dome this year. She first joined Jeeva Clinic as a sophomore as part of the founding board, after volunteering with the South Asian Heart Center her freshman year summer. Through Jeeva Clinic, she not only wants to connect with the South Asian population, but also raise awareness about their vulnerabilities by measuring their vitals and indicators of wellness. She hopes to help them make the first step toward taking their health in their hands through education, to turn around the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the community.

Co-President: Zainab Bhatti
She is a third-year Psychology major. She joined Jeeva as a way to become involved with the South Asian community in Berkeley and enhance her understanding of cardiovascular disease both within the SA community and beyond. In her free time, Zainab enjoys listening to TED talks, reading, and going to the RSF for cardio dance and yoga classes.

Vice President: Shivani Bhandarkar
Shivani is a 3rd year studying Molecular and Cell Biology. She joined Jeeva because she has noticed problems with cardiovascular disease in her own family and community, and realized that we can make an impact by promoting a heart-healthy lifestyle. Through Jeeva’s clinics, she hopes to help reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in the South Asian community.

DeCal Coordinator: Leanne SilvaLeanne is a 4th year student at UC Berkeley studying Public Health and is minoring in STEM Education. As a pre-health student, she believes that increasing public awareness is paramount when striving to improve the overall health of a community. She joined Jeeva Clinic her sophomore year due to her long standing interest in the medical field and desire to educate South Asian communities regarding the serious implications of heart disease.

DeCal Coordinator: Meghna SrivastavaMeghna is a senior at UC Berkeley and is studying public health and psychology. She joined Jeeva Clinic because of her interest in healthcare, passion for giving back to the south asian community, and desire to interact with healthcare professionals. She wants to encourage other students to address prevalent health issues they see in their community by spreading awareness.

Public Relations Director: Shruthi Reddy Shruthi is a second year Molecular Environmental Biology major from the Bay Area. Shruthi joined Jeeva Clinic last year due to her interest in medicine and passion for helping the people around her. She hopes to attend medical school after her undergraduate studies and pursue a career in medical research focused on cardiology. As public relations director this year, Shruthi plans on expanding the social media presence of Jeeva Clinic to increase access to information about maintaining heart health through a healthy lifestyle and diet. In her free time, Shruthi enjoys photography, dancing, and painting.

Academic Director: Neha Neha is a second year intended Molecular and Cell Biology major from San Ramon, CA. She joined Jeeva Clinic last semester and loved meeting other Cal students interested in South Asian public health. She likes how Jeeva Clinic allows her to raise awareness for an issue she cares a lot about and allows her to gain experience taking and analyzing biometrics. In her free time, Neha enjoys exploring SF and Berkeley with friends and running.

Finance Coordinator: Adithi Jaikumar Adithi is a second year Molecular and Cellular Biology major. She joined Jeeva Clinic because of her interest in the healthcare field and because she wanted to create an impact within the South Asian community regarding cardiovascular disease. Through Jeeva, she hopes to be a part of a change that can help our community with the pressing issue of heart disease. Adithi hopes to attend medical school after her undergraduate studies to pursue a career in Pediatric Oncology. In her free time, she like to practice Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Music, and play tennis with her friends.

Webmaster: Kaavya Venkat Kaavya is a junior studying Public Health. She joined Jeeva Clinic her freshman year because of her passion to learn more about the cardiovascular epidemic within the South Asian diaspora. She believes in spreading awareness about this issue by educating others on how to have healthier habits specific to South Asian culture. She loves talking to people at our clinics about what they can do to lead happier and healthier lives! Over the past couple of years, she has seen Jeeva Clinic grow as an organization that aims to provide preventative methods for this very important public health issue. In her free time, Kaavya loves to sing, watch movies, and explore coffee shops!

If you have any questions about application process/due dates, please feel free to message us through our Facebook page. We look forward to getting to know you!