Fellow Cohorts

Cohort 3: 2019-2020

Stephanie Sun

Stephanie was a fellow at Chinese Progressive Association.

Janie Chen

Janie was a fellow at Asian Prisoner Support Committee.

Carissa Myung

Carissa was a fellow at Banteay Srei.

“Hello! I’m Riss, a second year student studying Public Health and Global Poverty and Practice. Since I’m interested in advocacy and community-based work, I’m currently serving as a fellow for Banteay Srei, a non-profit, anti-sex trafficking organization that empowers and educates young women. Here, I’ve become trained in CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children), helped update service provisions, create art for the youth, and develop education curriculum. Most of all, I’ve found a community of women and healing within my own identity and lived experiences.”

Fiona Diec

Fiona was a fellow at AYPAL.

Sofia Maristela

Sofia was a fellow at Filipino Advocates for Justice.