Fellow Cohorts

Cohort 2: 2018-2019

Jeanney Keo

Jeanney was a fellow at Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

“I joined MOVE because I was interested in experiencing what community organizing beyond the Berkeley campus looked like. I joined APEN and after my time there, I experienced much more than I could ever hope: I learned what it means to stand in solidarity with the entire community. APEN fostered my growth in skills such as canvassing and facilitating workshops, but more importantly they fostered my growth in empathy and love for the community. My love for APEN and MOVE runs deep, and my love for the community is everlasting.

Jilly Choi

Jilly was a fellow at Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

Ralph Leano Atanacio

Ralph was a fellow at Asian Health Services The Spot.

“One of the struggles as a student is feeling silo-ed when working with student orgs and out of touch with my communities off campus. MOVE allowed me to imagine and work with the possibility of bridging those two things together. Working with community organizations were really integral in broadening my perspective and helping me explore different areas of interests as someone who is interested in doing future community work”

Maria Palaroan

Maria was a fellow at Asian Health Services The Spot.

Chelsea Lee

Chelsea was a fellow at Filipino Advocates for Justice.

Maggie Lam

Maggie was a fellow at Asian Prisoner Support Committee.

Kimmie Tran

Kimmie was a fellow at Banteay Srei.

Phibi Tran

Phibi was a fellow at Asian Pacific Islander Equality Northern California.

Cheuk Hak Fok

Cheuk was a fellow at Chinese Progressive Association.