Why Participate?
Open for recruitment
Sleep and Habits Study
This is truly a unique opportunity to receive no-cost sleep therapy with
specialized sleep therapists.
You will contribute to a study that may result in a sleep treatment that will help many people.
You will be compensated up to $370 for participating in this important study!
How do I know if I am eligible to participate?
If you are 18-30 years old and are experiencing sleeping difficulties, you may be eligible to participate in a FREE, no medication sleep therapy study that can be done in the comfort of your own home!
What will I do?
Attend a 60-90 minute pre-treatment interview to learn more about your sleep and health, followed by a week of brief daily online surveys, and wearing a special sleep watch for 7 days.
Attend weekly 50-minute sleep treatment sessions for 3 weeks, followed by briefer 20-minute weekly check-ins with your sleep therapist for 6 weeks via Zoom.
Participate in another interview and survey week 1-week, 6-months, and 12-months after completing the sleep treatment.
We will ask you to wear the sleep watch for 7 days after the 1-week post-treatment interview.
How do I sign-up?
Contact Us!
Send us a text/email or give us a call to see if you are eligible to participate!
We have staff available all day, in the evenings and on weekends who would love to speak with you!
Provide your name, phone number, and the best days and times to contact you!
Phone: (510) 473 - 6490
Email: Sleepteamucb@gmail.com