The OCF is hiring!

October 30, 2018

We are looking to hire students to be OCF Operations staff for the 2019 academic year and onward! This includes two paid positions, Operations Assistant and Operations Manager, neither of which require any technical experience. These are very important roles, and without dedicated and passionate students to fill them, the OCF will not be able to stay open next semester.

Operations Assistants

Operations Assistants will have the following responsibilities:

  • Staffing the front desk
    • Maintaining lab security
    • Assisting OCF members with using the lab
    • Carrying out regular lab maintenance
  • Working on projects that benefit the OCF
    • Marketing and outreach
    • Collecting feedback on OCF services
    • Organizing events taking place in the lab
    • Researching and applying for additional sources of funding for the OCF
  • Attending regular meetings with the Operations Manager and the other Operations Assistants
The salary for this position is $15 per hour.

Operations Manager

The Operations Manager has the same basic responsibilities as an Operations Assistant, but will also be responsible for managing OAs, their shifts and projects, and scheduling and leading meetings with OAs and OCF Volunteer staff. The OM position places a greater emphasis on managerial duties than time spent staffing the front desk. The salary for this position is $17 per hour.


Applications close on Sunday, November 4th at 11:59 PM. Apply here!

About the OCF

The OCF is an all-volunteer, student-run, Chartered Program of the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) dedicated to free computing for all University of California at Berkeley students, faculty, and staff. The mission of the OCF is to provide an environment where no member of Berkeley's campus community is denied the computer resources he or she seeks, to appeal to all members of the Berkeley campus community with unsatisfied computing needs, and to provide a place for those interested in computing to fully explore that interest.

We provide a variety of services to the campus community, including the following: