Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Daily Update

Well, I guess I’m just writing an update every 2 days now, so I’m just going to call them daily updates.

As you can see here, I spent a lot of time on Sunday doing unproductive stuff according to the RescueTime tracker. What I was doing was I had the phone on YouTube while I was cleaning and organizing the house. I was watching some of FlashWolves’ play on League of Legends. So this Sunday’s time tracker may not be an accurate reflection of what I was doing at the time. I did manage to clean the entry floor pretty well. So here’s hoping I can make some good progress today.

As you can see, most of the time was spent on youtube.

Monday, July 3rd

On Monday, since it was a workday, I spent a good amount of time doing work stuff like email and software development. I couldn’t figure out how to merge a certain section of code, so that took me a while. I hope that I would have some time today to do some software development, but we’ll see. I spent a lot of time looking at YouTube again because I just discovered new Street Fighter V players from Taiwan. One of them is called RB, he specializes in Urien, and is a very good upstart. He went up against Justin Wong in the NA CPT Grand Finals, losing the match. Another is Oil King, who is also pretty good.

One good thing is that I remembered to brush my teeth and took a shower last night :-D.

Today I hope to do some stuff on the computer and organize my place more. Hopefully it would be in a ready state by the end of this week.


posted by eric3chang at 3:13 pm  

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Another Double Update!

Forgot to update yesterday again!!! :-(. So here is another double dose. Also forgot to do my daily exercises and brush my teeth XD. But if you take a look at my time spent on Friday, it seems like I was able to get some adequate work done despite spending 2 hours on entertainment stuff. Seeing as it’s Friday it’s probably acceptable.

If you look at the time spent entertaining, it seems like I am spending a lot of time after midnight on Friday morning and after 10pm. I believe I need to cut down on those times but I’m not sure of the best methods at the moment. Perhaps those are good times to write in my blog or do some meditation.

Also, forgot to post this yesterday, but I installed this following towel bar myself! I was very proud of this.

July 1st Update

It’s July! This is a good time to post some stuff on the internet.

Check this out. I only logged 7 hours yesterday because I spent some time outside since it was Saturday and I didn’t have to work. I actually stopped by the office because I wanted to take out my bicycle, but I couldn’t get in with my temporary card.

I still spent a lot of time looking at stuff after midnight on Saturday morning so that probably can be adjusted. My eye felt tired after noon so I chose to rest. Though when I’m resting I should probably leave my phone downstairs so as not to distract me.

posted by eric3chang at 2:26 pm  

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Una Conversación con Ailikha (Erica)

Ayer tuve una conversación con Ailikha. Discutimos en cómo ella ejecutó la organización con tanto éxito. Y Aprendí que necesito hacer para buscar un reemplazo por mi.

Necesito hablar con mis oficiales para que ellos sabe que son los papeles que tiene en la organización. Voy a comunicar que no voy a volver próximo año. Voy a pedir los oficiales por que son en la organización, a dónde va nuestra organización, y usa esas palabras para convencer hacer más.

Para buscar un reemplazo, necesito obtener la misión. Puede ser mi misión o la misión de mi gente pero necesitamos una misión. También, tenemos que enfocar en el crecimiento personal, la experiencia liderazgo, y la oportunidad para conocer la otra gente en estas posiciones a través la nación, y la oportunidad para ir a la madre patria con un costo bajo, como el viaje esta vez. Además, buscaré mi pasión otra vez. La conferencia también tiene mucho divertido.

Alguién necesita prepara los eventos divertidos, y otra necesita crear los eventos en el calendario.

También, quizás que otra gente no quiere reunir a la organización es que Kiathu es en la organización. Necesito hablar con toda la gente para verificar si toda siente misma.

La otra cosa que necesito hacer es promover ositheng. Ositheng tiene la experiencia del pueblo con fantasma, el bbq mejor, y las bebidas que cuesta baja.

posted by eric3chang at 7:52 am  

Friday, June 30, 2017

Double Update

Looks like I didn’t update yesterday so today you get a double dose of Eric!

June 28th Update

Looks like I did relatively well. Only spent an hour on entertainment stuff. I logged less time than usual because I left early to have some good food at Sushi Kashiba. We got a reserved table because none of us felt compelled enough to stand in line super early to get Omakase. Shiro-San was making the sushi that day, though, and we managed to get a photo with him! Later we went to Pike Place Market expansion. Check out my picture below.

Completely off the track, but do you feel that naked bikes are for people who are afraid of dropping their motorcycles and then have to fix it? I prefer full-faired, but I could see that as a legitimate reason to save money if people are dropping their bikes.

June 29th

Actually managed to stay focused today despite me feeling like I spent a lot of time on entertainment-related stuff. Let’s keep this up!

posted by eric3chang at 4:01 pm  

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Actualizaciones y Mejores

Hoy voy a empezar un blog sobre de la organización. Ayer nosotros comemos con khaibun para mira a un lugar en poeniuiiu. El lugar parece que es bueno para huanlok sikong. También tuve una reunión con la chonghoetiunn. Nosotros trabajamos en un plan para mejorar la organización. Nosotros establecemos un objetivo para tener un new seatoo hoetiunn próxima año, porque yo he estado el hoetiunn por muchos años.

Así es, necesito un plan para convencer otra gente que estar un presidente es bueno. Creo que necesito practicar por qué estaba en la organización por tanto tiempo. Creo que es un trabajo bueno, pero no puedo convencer otra gente.

Creé una reunión con ailikha para discutir cómo y por qué la sección en osutheng es muy exitoso y cómo reclutar miembros y oficiales nuevos.

También, quiero estimar cuantas horas yo uso en la organización, para que puedo comunicar que no va a usar muchos tiempos para la organización. Parte de la misión de la organización es crear una comunidad, y crear líderes. Tenemos una comunidad, pero si alguién puede estar un líder, estaría más cerca al gol. Voy a crear uno-a-uno para discutir estas cosas con mi gente.

Voy a poner mi progreso aquí

posted by eric3chang at 9:54 pm  

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Daily Update

I was relatively productive today. If you look at that red portion, it looks like I spent 1 hour 40 minutes on very distracting items like and . But it’s an improvement from the previous day, for sure. Had lunch at labula with friends, was spicy.

Keep up the good work!

posted by eric3chang at 8:00 am  

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Daily Update

It was better yesterday, but I still ended up spending 2 hours and 40 minutes on distracting sites combined. About 2 hours of that was on YouTube. I feel that I can do better than that. Yesterday we had a company event so had some delicious catered mediterranean food.

posted by eric3chang at 2:45 pm  

Monday, June 26, 2017

Daily Update June 26th

Hey, everyone. I’m starting a new thing here, which is to post my daily RescueTime usage on my blog. I think this will help me keep track of my basic usage and where I can improve. As you can see from this graph, yesterday I spent about 5 hours combined on the YouTube. I think I was watching some Black Mirror episodes and random John Oliver/Travor Noah clips. I did get a couple of hours in to do some much-needed shopping online, so it wasn’t a total loss. Looking to do better today since it’s a weekday.

Also, completely unrelated to my schedule, but I just found this following tip on how to use Max OS X! For years I’ve been struggling at the narrow width, since I often like to prefix my filenames with year-month-date , but that means part of the date would be obscured, meaning that it was difficult to read the full date, which defeats the purpose. Check it out, it’s very hidden (like everything else on a Mac) but it is a very streamlined process once you learn it.

posted by eric3chang at 9:17 am  

Monday, December 19, 2016



posted by eric3chang at 4:05 pm  

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Blown Bicycle Tire…Again

It seems I’m just not able to get the timing right on the curbs, I keep on blowing out the rear tires by not shifting my weight properly on a hop.

posted by eric3chang at 7:34 pm  
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