Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Someone who smokes pot all day

So today I was in my Algorithms and Complexity class (CS180), when I couldn’t find any place to sit, and by that, I mean, I couldn’t find any place to sit where I would have a seat to the left and to the right of me :-/. Because my Spanish class was right before, I could never get to class on time to get a good seat. Anyways, I chose a random seat between two people. The guy to the left of me was okay, but the guy to the right smelled like he smokes pot all day. At first I didn’t notice and I thought the smell went away, but it didn’t. Everytime he cleared his throat, and he did this a lot (how many times do you need to clear your throat anyways?), I would smell marijuana. Haven’t smoked this much second-hand pot since I was in Berkeley. Not only that, he would put his foot up. Normally, it’s okay, because you have shoes, but this guy was wearing flip-flops so he put his actual foot on. To make it worse, today was a quiz day (we have a quiz in cs180 every Thursday), so I had to take the quiz with this guy next to me. I would have switched seats, but the classroom was pretty full. I had to control myself to stop myself from punching the guy in the face.

posted by eric3chang at 1:12 pm  


  1. his feet smells like weed as well? or something else?

    Comment by amy — April 28, 2009 @ 2:22 pm

  2. yea, everything smelled like weed

    Comment by eric3chang — May 5, 2009 @ 12:43 pm

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