Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Monday, September 7, 2009

Being Attacked by Hurricane

Had a dream last night about UCLA being attacked by a hurricane. A bunch of us (students) were in some big hall, something like Powell Library. However, the building had large glass windows on the side of it so it was clear that the building was right next to an ocean. It could also be some type of small peninsula or isthmus. Anyways, we were surrounded by water, and I think the reason we were all in the building was because of the hurricane outside. We were waiting fore evacuation, I suppose. However, a really big wave came, you could see it, because we had those large glass windows, and crashed through, the glasses broke, and glasses were all over the floor. For some reason, I was walking barefoot, so I got cut walking around, but it was spectacular when the water crashed through the windows. Then my alarm went off.

posted by eric3chang at 3:45 pm  

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