Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Monday, May 31, 2010

I want to quit, too

Well, I’m like that guy I read a while back who quits video games for a couple of months and then get the urge then play for a couple of days straight. Literally, one time I gamed until 2 hours before my finals. As in I spent only 2 hours studying for the final and I had no sleep! I set a reminder on this website to send an email to myself everyday for this event. Hopefully it will help me some. I really wish I could quit this. It’s caused me to miss appointments, jobs, almost exams, too. It sucks that the internet makes downloading and streaming games so much easier. Especially since old game ROM’s like arcade games, SNES or Genesis on emulators are really tiny in size, so they are fast to download, yet they can last you a couple of days of playing time (man, old games are the bomb). I’m talking about RPGs in particular. But even the regular games suck me in, too. Take for example, a fighting game. Going through one round of complete game takes like maybe 10~20 minutes? But I just keep restarting and restarting, until I can’t physically open my eyes anymore. I wish I didn’t grow up in Taiwan, then maybe I wouldn’t have been bombarded with video games when I was a child.

posted by eric3chang at 10:59 pm  

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