Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bad Day

Today I got a ticket for parking at BART because I had no permit >:O. Let me explain how BART parking works. Most spaces fill up before 9am, but there are some reserved spaces that open after 10am. Guess when I parked? 9:59am. That’s right, the f***ing officer gave me a ticket for parking 1 minute ahead of time. That’s ridiculous. Then I was so distraught I almost hit these two black girls crossing the MLK. I’m gonna say I was at fault. But those girls shouldn’t be crossing the streets when there were so many cars passing through; basically, they crossed the street as if they saw no cars on the road, even though it was rush hour and at that moment tons of cars were driving through that intersection. I was driving in the middle lane, and the car to the right of me kind of obstructed my view of the girls, since they were coming from the right. If I had swerved left to avoid them, I would have hit the cars in oncoming traffic. Then later two white girls were crossing the street, and they stopped. So what does that say. I guess I’m a racist, but I thought crossing the streets is basic knowledge.

posted by eric3chang at 9:26 pm  

1 Comment »

  1. please take care ok? more sleep might help? tomorrow will be better. my day was bad too but i got over it and i’m happily sitting in the library now =)

    i enjoy reading ur blog

    Comment by a — April 10, 2008 @ 12:34 am

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