Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Driving Back to Moraga

Mom and I drove back to Moraga today. We stopped by Honeymoon Cafe, since it was rated pretty well on Yelp. Mom ordered some Green Eggs and Ham Pita with coffee, while I had a Pastrami & Eggs with hot chocolate milk. The milk came in an extra large cup, and the coffee was self-served, with lots of large cups to choose from.

Inside of Honeymoon Cafe

Lots of coffee cups

Both of our dishes came with a small citrus (don’t know the name), a cut banana, and a slice of pear. I thought Mom’s meal was better, though. Mine was basically pastrami with potatoes and possibly yam, with an egg on the top. It tasted good, but had I known that there was going to be something sweet in mine, I would have ordered something else.

The cup was bigger in real life than in this photo

Mom and her green eggs and ham pita

We stopped by Trader Joe’s to pick up some food, and waited for the cable guy to arrive. He arrived a little after our scheduled time of 2pm. It was raining outside, but he had plastic food guards to prevent him from messing up our carpet, which was very useful. It turns out he had to replace the old connectors in our cable box with some new connectors, and that took awhile, so Mom started to take the old hinges out of the garage door. There were some problems in setting up the cable modem, because some lady on the other end of our technician’s phone doesn’t know what she’s talking about. The technician told her that I bought the modem brand new on Amazon, and she replied by saying that she didn’t know what Amazon was. How could you possibly get a job in technical support and not know about Amazon?! But in the end, the technician set up the entire thing, including the wireless router, and we went out to buy some screws for the garage door.

Since Ellen already ordered the #3 hinges, we only had to get some screws. The nice lady at OSH helped us with picking out grade 8 yellow-zinc-coated hex screws in 1/4″-20″ x 1/2″. We also got some screws in 3/4″ length since Mom decided that longer screws might be better. After we fixed the garage door, we tested it out and it seemed to work fine. There were some holes that the garage-door installer didn’t use, though, so it turns out our garage-door installer did a shoddy job.

Then at night I took Mom to the BART station. I promised I would work on my project, but I might have to go to the library or LA to do that.

posted by eric3chang at 11:54 pm  

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