Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Monday, June 29, 2015

Trip to Glacier

Saturday, June 21st, 2014
Went to Glacier National Park with Cassie and Erin, or, I should say, I missed my train entirely, and had to take the train that arrives after that. The thing is, our train was supposed to leave Saturday, June 21st at 1:40pm, from King Street Station, but because I had to mail out some checks for tap, I left my place at 1pm instead of 12:30pm like I originally planned. On top of that, it was the day of the Rock N’ Roll Marathon. I got to the station at 1:46pm. The train left at 1:40pm >:O. But it was really a blessing in disguise because I forgot to bring my driver’s license so I wouldn’t have been able to rent a car at Whitefish if I had actually been able to go. I left my license on the kitchen counter because I was showing Carlene what my new license after I got the motorcycle endorsement looked like compared to the license I had before I got the motorcycle endorsement. I had to spend another $65 on top of the $180 to get the new train ticket.

I was so mad that I punched a street pole.

It wasn’t a completely unproductive day, however, I was able to go to 999 Hiawatha Pl S to take a look at the apartment. It was quite nice and a lot quieter than I expected from an apartment located off of Rainier Ave S. However, I did feel that it was a bit more expensive than I wanted, at $1400 for a 500 sq ft studio. I had dinner tonight in Seattle to think about my boneheaded decision to miss my train.

posted by eric3chang at 4:18 am  

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