Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Monday, June 29, 2015

Attempt Number 2 at Glacier

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014
Ok, so today, I left my house early in order to avoid the mishap I had yesterday. By early, I meant 12:45pm . I originally meant to leave at 12:30pm, but somehow still left late. I tried to be faster by walking to catch the bus on 3rd Ave but it turns out that it takes more than 10 minutes to walk that distance. I should have just waited in front of Denny and Aurora Ave N .


Anyways, I was able to get to the train station at around 1:20pm, which was more than enough time to board the train. There was a girl crying hysterically on the train when I boarded O__o. I didn’t feel like sitting with anyone, so I sat behind 2 kids. I had enough time to finish reading 2 IEEE Spectrum magazines on the train. I had dinner on the train, which was nice, because originally I had ordered the vegetarian pasta because I wanted to see if I could be vegetarian, but then when it came, it was so small! It was like half a plate of pasta plus half a plate of vegetables. I exchanged it for half a chicken steak plus mash potatoes plus vegetables. It was much more worth it for the money.


posted by eric3chang at 4:32 am  

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