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General Psychology

Scientific Approaches

to Consciousness

Social Cognition


Human Learning

and Memory

Foundations of Social Cognition

Lecture Supplements 

prepared for

Psychology 164

"Social Cognition"


John F. Kihlstrom, Professor

University of California, Berkeley


The logo for this course is In the Orchard, a painting by Edward Tarbell, one of the best painters in the group known as the "American Impressionists" (Mary Cassatt is in this group too, but she doesn't really count, as she lived and worked mostly in Paris, and actually hung out with the real French Impressionists!).  The painting depicts a group of people engaged in conversation (etc.): a man and a woman chatting, someone observing them, one with her back turned toward us -- and one (perhaps a little self-consciously) looking right at the observer.  That's what this course is about: People observing each other, and being observed, and how they acquire, represent, and use the knowledge they gain from these observations to guide their social interactions. 


This website is a work-in-progress, updated continually.  Comments toward improvement are, of course, always welcome. In particular, please report any broken links to jfkihlstrom@berkeley.edu.

For anyone who might want to reference this material in a publication, the proper citation is:

Kihlstrom, J. F. (2017). Foundations of Social Cognition (Course Website)  Retrieved June 16, 2022, from https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jfkihlstrom/SocialCognitionWeb/index.htm

The date, 2017, refers to the last year I actually taught the course.  The dates on which individual pages ("Introduction", "Introspection", etc.) were revised are indicated at the end of each page.

When I taught this course at Berkeley, the required text was Social Cognition by Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor, now in its 3rd edition.

Link to the lectures for this course, when it was offered in Spring 2014.

This page last revised 08/08/2023.