Table of Contents

Math 214: Differentiable manifolds

UC Berkeley, Spring 2020

Lecture: MWF 11-12, at 9 Lewis Hall

Zoom Meeting:
Zoom Office hour: Enter Office Wednesday 2-4pm, Thursday 1-2pm, at PMI number: 881-910-2324. Please also join the zoom channel, “Math 214”. If I am not in 'office', you can leave a message there.


Peng Zhou:
Office: 931 Evans Hall
Office Hour: M 12-1, W 2-4pm. MWF: 10-11am.

GSI: Alex Sherman.
Office Hour: Tue 2-4pm at 1057 Evans Hall


This is a first year graduate differential geometry course. Our course roughly has three parts:

Piazza This is an online Q&A platform, you can even post question anonymously.

Please sign up at


The total grade will be 60% homework and 40% take home final. For homework, you are encouraged to work in group, and discuss as much as possible, but you should write your own solutions.

About Homework

  1. Two loweste scores of homework will be dropped.
  2. HW is due by 12noon Friday, in class or by my door folder.
  3. If you need to turn in late, you need to have my permission first. If granted, you can turn in to the GSI's office during the Tuesday office hour.
  4. No electronic submission. You need to submit a hard copy or printed copy. It is inconvenient to grade HW electronically.


Our official textbook is John Lee's Introduction to smooth manifolds, 2nd edition. It has all the details spelled out. However, Lee's book does not cover characteristic classes. I will follow other textbook or notes, for example Nicolascu's online note Chapter 8.

The following are not textbooks, but for additional reading

We borrow heavily from Prof. Hutchings' course website, where you can also see comments on other references.


It is encouraged that you use Latex to submit the homework. An easy way to type latex without having to install the software is to use overleaf, an online tex editor-compiler.

Here is a sample latex template. Try tinkering with it to suit your need.


Students Homework Solutions


Final and Final Solution