Gluing, descent, sheaves and more

Gluing functions

Suppose \{U_i\} is a cover of a topological space X. What does it take to glue continuous functions f_i on U_i into a function on all of X?

Well, all we need is that they need to agree on intersections. If f_i|U_i \cap U_j = f_j|U_i\cap U_j for all pairs i, j, then they glue uniquely to a function g on X such that g|U_i = f_i.

Let’s reformulate this slightly. Let U be the disjoint union of the U_is. Then we have a surjective “cover” U \to X. Combine the f_is into a function on U called f. Then what we are trying to do is see if the function f on U can be “descended” to X i.e. we are trying to find functions g on X, if any, such that when such a function is pulled back to U it is f. Note here that by “is” we mean the functions are literally identical. We can also reformulate what is means for the f_is to agree on intersections. The fiber product of U with itself over X has two maps, left and right projection, down to U:

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Call them p_1 and p_2. Then for the f_i to “agree on intersections” is equivalent to the statement f \circ p_1 = f \circ p_2 as functions on U \times_{X} U (think about this!). We’ll return to this later. Now, let’s step up one level, from functions to vector bundles.

Gluing vector bundles

Suppose \{U_i\} is a cover of a topological space X. What does it take to glue vector bundles (or sheaves) V_i \to U_i to a vector bundle V \to X? We also know the answer to this: transition maps satisfying the cocyle condition. More precisely, we need for each pair i, j an isomorphism of vector bundles \phi_{i,j}:V_i \to V_j restricted to U_i \cap U_j, such that for every triple i, j, k, \phi_{j,k} \circ \phi_{i,j} = \phi_{i,k} on the triple intersection U_i \cap U_j \cap U_k.

Instead of just needing the “local objects” to agree on intersections, we need data specifying how they agree; furthermore, we need the data to be mutually compatible

Let’s try to reformulate this in terms of the disjoint union of the U_is again. Let’s call U the disjoint union of the U_i and combine the V_i together as a single vector bundle V \to U. What we’re trying to do is “descend” this vector bundle over U to X.

Since we have triple intersections, we’ll need to consider the fiber product U \times_{X} U \times_{X} U. It has three projections down to U \times_{X} U (by omitting any of the three factors).

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Let’s call these projections p_{12}, p_{23}, p_{31}.

Now we are ready to state the answer to the question of when does the vector bundle descend. The isomorphism on intersections is given by an isomorphism \phi: p_1^*V \to p_2^*V of vector bundles, and the cocycle condition translates to p_{12}^*(\phi) \circ p_{23}^*(\phi) = p_{31}^*(\phi)

Should we go up one more level?

Gluing categories of vector bundles

No, I’m not ready yet.

Sheaves are functors that satisfy descent

Let’s fix a base category. Consider the functor F which assigns to every base object the set of (insert adjective) functions on it. Then such a functor (presheaf) is a sheaf if, for every function on U which, along the two projections p_1, p_2: U \times U \to U, is pulled to identical functions, is the unique pullback of a function on X. In other words F(X) is the equalizer F(U) \rightrightarrows F(U \times U).

Each element of F(X) is: an element of F(U), and a truth value on F(U \times U) (the truth value is whether the “functions” agree).

Let’s move one level up. Consider the functor F which assigns to every base object the category of sheaves over it. Then such a functor is a 2-sheaf if for every sheaf on U, there is an isomorphism between the pullbacks along the two projections U \times U \to U, and these isomorphisms, pulled back to U \times U \times U (along the three projections p_{12}, p_{23}, p_{13}: U \times U \times U \to U \times U), satisfy a cocyle condition. If such a thing made sense, we might say F(X) is equivalent, as a category, to the following “2-limit of categories”:

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Each object of F(X) is: an object of F(U), isomorphism of F(U\times U), and truth value on F(U\times U\times U). Each morphism of F(X) is: morphism of F(U), truth value on F(U\times U). (morphism of descent datum)

Consider the functor F which assigns to every base object the 2-category of sheaves of 1-categories over it.

Each object of F(X) is: an object of F(U), isomorphism of F(U\times U), 2-isomorphism of F(U\times U\times U), and a truth value on F(U\times U\times U\times U). A morphism of F(X) is a morphism of F(U), a 2-morphism of F(U\times U), and a truth value in F(U\times U\times U). A 2-morphism of F(X) is a 2-morphism in F(U\times U) and a truth value on F(U \times U \times U).

And so on…

Acknowledgements: Thanks to David Corwin for explaining these ideas to me.