The two Waste Reduction Coordinators focus on improving waste sorting and reducing waste produced in residence halls and dining halls on campus. In 2019, they standardized the bins and waste signage throughout all of the residence halls thanks to support from a TGIF grant. Their projects extend across a broad range of initiatives.
Current initiatives:
- Hosting a monthly Zero Waste Competition between the dining halls, providing an opportunity to work with kitchen and custodial staff and build an understanding of the operations of campus-run kitchens.
- Providing waste education to residents in on-campus residence halls.
- Training Residential Assistants to improve waste sorting practices in the residence halls.
- Actively participating as members in the UC Berkeley Zero Waste Coalition.
- Collaborating with Cal Zero Waste and the Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) to accomplish campus-wide goals related to waste.
- Organizing all move out efforts, including maintaining collection bins for clothes, food, and appliances.