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I'm a Chemistry major, Statistics minor. So I have no idea what I'm doing in this class, except that I like math.

I'm from Davis, CA. In my free time I like to run and hike the fire trails.

Homework 1:====== Headline ======

Homework 2: nathan_hwk_104_2.pdf

Homework 3: nathan_owes_me_a_hug.pdf

(sorry about the funny name haha)

Homework 4: nathan_104_hwk_4_2_.pdf

Homework 5: scanned_documents.pdf

Homework 6: nathan_math_104_6.pdf

Homework 7: hwk7_math104.pdf

Homework 8: Didn't do because didn't realize it was due during spring break, didn't have time to do it over spring break :(

Homework 9: hwk_9_math_104_nathan.pdf

Homework 10: hwk_10_math_104_nathan_sweet.pdf

Homework 11: homework_11_math_104_nathan_sweet.pdf

math104-s22/s/nathansweet.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/06 12:20 by nathansweet